Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Week 5 IBS Jeremiah 18:15

Wednesday November 12, 2014

Jeremiah 18:15 “Because My people have forgotten Me, they have burned incense to worthless idols. And they have caused themselves to stumble in their ways, from the ancient paths, to walk in the pathways and not on a highway”

            It may seem weird that I am doing this verse this week, but I happened to be reading in Jeremiah 18 this morning and it just fit with an encounter I had yesterday. Every evening here in Kraing Tnong, there are English classes with kids from the age of 5 to 17, they are split up based on their level of English. The classes occur in the compound of the church and the teachers are high school students that volunteer to help teach these other kids English. Kaylee, Anna, Izzy, and I help out with these classes every evening.

All of the teachers are saved, except for one. Her name is Kim Thean. She is a real sweetheart and a good worker and teacher, but about a week or so ago she had mentioned to Kaylee that she wasn’t a Christian. With that news we prayed for her. Last night I happened to be helping in her class and at the end she was telling me how one of the other teachers, Seaht Lee knows a lot more English than her because Seaht Lee comes to the church compound all the time because she is a Christian and Kim Thean is not. Being a Buddhist prominent country, that was the alternative. So I asked her if she knew who created her. At this time Seaht Lee actually came over to us and she ended up translating for me, praise the Lord! Kim Thean’s response to my question was, “my parents”. I said, “Well yes, but God created your parents, and you, and me, and Seaht Lee, and this whole world and everything in it, did you know that?” And her response was no. So I just went into the whole gospel, getting into the sinning part and asking her if she’s ever lied before. She told me no, so I then told her that I myself have lied before, we’ve all done it. Of course then I went into Jesus dying on the cross for the bad things we’ve done and now He’s risen. I don’t need to write out the whole gospel here, but God gave me the opportunity and it was amazing! I asked her if she has gone through hard times and needed things and she said yes, so I told her that God can provide for her and be there for the things she may need, because He loves her! I gave her an example of when we were in need here. Hong, one of the other teachers prayed and then God helped us. I told her that all she has to do is pray and believe Jesus is God’s son and that He died for you and to worship Him you don’t have to light incense, you can sing or pray.

During the entire time of talking to her I could tell she was a little nervous. I will say, I was too, but I knew the Holy Spirit was with me. As I was telling her more and more I could tell that she was just taking it all in…and that is a lot to take in, but a seed was planted yesterday, I was just the vessel. And I pray that us being here and her fellow teachers will be an example and just shine His light. I pray that the seed will flourish and she will come to know the Lord!

Application: With that having happened, my prayer is for her. I need to be open to her and be available to answer any questions she may have, knowing that the Holy Spirit will be with me. That was stepping out of my comfort zone, yet through it all I was so comforted. So I need to be sure that I don’t revert back into a shell, but be the salt and light Jesus calls me to be.

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