Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Week 11 IBS Matthew 1:24-25 ~Break Every Chain~

Wednesday December 24th, 2014

Matthew 1:24-25 “Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name JESUS.”

            Merry Christmas! It’s the most beautiful time of the year! Here in Cambodia they celebrate Christmas many times throughout the month of December at different villages. We have attended six parties and we’ve been invited to a few more. It’s been an interesting experience to say the least. At these parties, the hosting village usually does the play of Baby Jesus, some traditional Khmer dancing, and sometimes a fashion show. It’s definitely not the normal Christmas experience I’m used to, but I’m blessed to have been and still be a part of it this year.

            Khrang Thnong, my home village, was the one I was looking forward to the most. It was on Saturday December 20th and we got to be a part of the hosting! It was quite the time! Kim Thean, one of the English teachers I’ve written about before, and a couple of the high school girls that come to English class came to the Christmas event! And all of them are Buddhist. My heart was filled with joy when I saw them. When it came time to Worship, they told me they were leaving and that they would be back in 30 minutes. Saddened, I asked them why and they just scattered away. I got really discouraged, because I felt like we had taken a step forward with them and now two steps back, so I just prayed. I asked God to take away the discouragement, and knowing He had a plan, I asked Him to bring them back and to just continue using us. Well the last song they sang was “Praya-yay-su” (“Jesus”). It is a very moving song, just making the name of Jesus known. All of the girls returned just in time for this song…God IMMEDIATELY flipped the discouragement. I was filled with His joy and peace and encouragement.

            Later on in the event, those of the church did a mime to the song “Break Every Chain”. In Cambodia, there isn’t really a focus of chains of worldly things like drinking, or self-image, but it’s more of a spiritual battle and a lot of darkness. The mime was showing how Jesus breaks those chains and overcomes the darkness. It was a very powerful mime. Kim Thean and all the girls saw the mime and I heard Kim Thean say “wow” while it was going…! The name of Jesus was loud and clear that night! God is working and I have faith those girls will come to know Him personally!

            Prayer is what got me through and that’s what the Lord has been working and growing me in! I NEED to continue to turn to prayer right when things like that occur. Praise Him in every situation!

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