Sunday, December 14, 2014

Week 9 IBS James 1:2-3 Stay Faithful With the Digging

Sunday December 14th, 2014

James 1:2-3 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”

            Before beginning my reading in James this morning, I prayed for God to grow me. Now, in this moment I don’t believe I am facing a trial, it definitely came a while ago when I was not trusting God with my family. (Which God brought me through and I know I am so much stronger, because of that time) But knowing there is always time for growth, I asked God for that. Then, I read this chapter. I’m still not sure why I chose James to read, but I decided yesterday after I was done reading Jeremiah, all I know is I felt lead to do so and that was obviously for a reason.

God definitely has me in a time of patience. We are digging and building the foundation here in Cambodia, and that requires work, work that we may or may not see the fruit from ourselves, but will come in the future. I’ve been learning to have patience, trust, and obedience, and to stay faithful in the digging. And if I do say, which I’m sure we all can relate to…patience is hard. Some days we don’t do a lot of work, but in those moments, it’s a matter of seeking Him out, meditating on His word, and praying. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but it comes down to trusting that the Lord’s will gets accomplished each day.

So, if patience is something I need to grow in, then so be it. I’m not sure if this chapter was God preparing me for things to come or if it was just a reminder. Either way, I desire for God to grow me in any areas I need growing in. I want Him to grow me, so using that I can go forth and pour into other people. I can’t say anything that can happen in the future, only God knows that, but whatever it is, I know He is with me every step of the way.

Application: Count everything joy, I am alive and God desires to use me still. Whatever God has for me, remember to find joy in every situation! I will write joy on my hand as a reminder for today.

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