March 10th, 2015
“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and
faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you
ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” –Matthew 25:23
“And they continued
steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread,
and in prayers.” –Acts 2:42
Five months of digging it has been. A
five months I would do all over again if it were for moments such as these I am
about to share with you. Prayer is a powerful thing and it is the very thing we
can do. This digging has not been a physical dig, but a spiritual one. A dig of
constantly surrendering to the Lord, praying, and trusting that His will gets
accomplished each and every day. It has been five months of pressing in so deep
with the relationships God has allowed us to build here. It has been of simply
being…a very difficult time indeed, but so growing.
This past week, God’s faithfulness
came forth. We started our first [more] official Bible class for the Feeding
Program in Khrang Thnong. We were able to plan out a lesson, worship, and just
make it fun and come to life for the kids. It was a beautiful moment. A moment
that I will never forget. We couldn’t have done it at any point other than this
past week. Other things needed to be in place beforehand and that’s why God’s
timing is so amazing. Then, we were able to break bread with the youth boys
that live on the church compound with us…with our little brothers. Ones that
we’ve grown so close to, that we call “The Lost Boys” and they see us as big
sisters. It was a beautiful time of worship, prayer, and communion…two
different languages, ONE God. That evening was truly putting to place Acts 2:42.
few days later we had Bible study with the youth girls…with our little sisters.
Ones that we’ve grown so close to as well. A Bible study that has been in the
making for at least three months now. It started off with one of the girls
asking me to teach her Bible one day after English class. I actually wrote
about it when it happened. But after that first moment of me teaching it has
been a struggle of getting it going. I learned to just give it over to the Lord
and know that if it’s of Him, it will come together in His timing…and it did.
After a few hours of cleaning the church with these girls, we came together and
read His word. Kaylee lead it and went through Ephesians 1:1-6, verse by verse.
The Spirit was so present there, we were all lost for words. We ended our time
with sitting in a circle, holding hands, and praying. It was just another
moment of two different languages, ONE God.
truly, be faithful over the little things and God will bring forth bigger
things for you to take on, through Him. I think we finally hit the treasure after
all that digging, it’s a start and it’s only the beginning…
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