Sunday, August 31, 2014

Philippians 2:8 IBS

Friday August 29th, 2014

Philippians 2:8 “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.”

            Death. I talked about this in my last one, how Jesus CHOSE to die for us. Well, what if it came to that for you? What if you were in a position where you can either choose to die and save those around you, or walk away and they wouldn’t be saved? That might be a little easier said than done, especially if the people were the ones you loved. We can talk the talk, but can we walk the walk?

But see for Jesus, He loved every single one of us. I just wonder if as He was on the cross He was picturing every single one of our faces…I bet He was. Another thing that Jesus did was obey His father. His father sent Him to die on the cross for us. Jesus knew what was to come, yet He still went and still chose to do so. I’m so repetitive with all of this, but it’s so amazing.

Now, dying is an extreme, but it’s an extreme that Jesus was willing to endure. Is it something you are willing to endure for Him? I would like to say yes to that, but sometimes my human brain would like to think otherwise, but that’s because of pride. Which then brings in the whole lesson of humility and being like Jesus comes in. We’re all going to die at some point, why not go out in the “blades of glory” for the Lord? But of course be meek and give God all the exaltation. What a wondrous thing Jesus did for us, lets return the favor because we deserve nothing and He deserves everything! (Of course we can’t meet what the Lord did for us, but we can still go full out serving Him!)

Application: To remember what the Lord did for me I will draw a cross on my hand.

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