Everyone always says, “when you know, you know.” And I was always like, “no, I don’t know!” Until now…
Brittani’s Story:
Everyone always says, “when you know, you know.” And I was always like, “no, I don’t know!” Until now…
Khrang Thnong Village, Takeo Province 2014 |
[Some background]:
Khrang Thnong Village, Takeo Province 2014 |
[My desires]:
A desire sparked up in me those beginning months; a desire that God most definitely put there, but I didn’t realize that until 5 years later. A desire to marry a Khmer man. At the time I was an intern in a disciple training school, having committed to no relationship for 1 year, and I was not interested in anyone in particular, but the desire was there. I also thought that would be impossible and I was a little crazy for desiring that (not even thinking about the amazing God I serve,) so I pushed that desire aside.
As I went back to the States that first time, God put it on my heart that I was going to serve in Cambodia again. The years passed as I continued serving in that ministry, being sent here and there before being sent back to Cambodia. If you have followed my journey, then you know of God’s faithfulness in my life. I went back to Cambodia in October 2016 and lived in the capital city, Phnom Penh, for 6 months; October 2016-April 2017. I turned 22 in that season.
Everyone knew my heart for Cambodia and always teased me that I would find a Khmer husband. I consistently replied, “I’m open to it, but I don’t think so.” As I was stepping into leadership roles in the ministry, I kept thinking, “How could I even marry a Khmer man, there’s really no one Khmer that works in this ministry too. It just can’t work.” There were some other factors (that I can share to you if you send me an email/personal message if you want to know) of things that I witnessed that I didn’t realize until later that were causing me to push this desire down and not be completely honest with myself, others, and God.
[Transparency and Freedom]:
Aling & Leehong's Wedding, Kompong Thom Province January 2019 |
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My journal, July 2019 (my house flooded in 2020 so it may be hard to read) |
It was like God saying, “My daughter, you have been honest with yourself, Me, and a friend. Your heart is ready; now I’m going to work and confirm this desire in ways you’ll never expect, because I put it in you, Brittani.”
I ended up sharing this desire and story quickly after with three of my bong srey (older sisters) that I love and respect dearly, all of which agreed and said amen to it, one of which has the gift of prophecy. When I told my prophetic sister, she said to me something like, “Oh, I know. I wanted to tell you a long time ago what God showed me about you marrying a Khmer man, Brittani, but every time I tried to bring the idea up to you, it seemed like you were not interested and didn’t want it.” I told her, “Yeah, because my heart was so not in the place to receive that and I wasn’t honest with others, God, and even myself.”
[More Confirmation]:
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Bong Rotha & Bong YeanYean October 2019 |
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Bong Liep February 2015 (Because why not share a silly old photo) |
[I’m going to share a little out of order of the timeline, but how God revealed things to me was kind of out of order of events, sounds weird, but you’ll see what I mean.] I went back to the Colorado for a furlough from October to December 2019. I traveled back to the Kingdom of Cambodia the end of December 2019 in time to celebrate the New Year, before everything went crazy with Covid.
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Colorado October 2019 |
Fast forward a bit to Cambodia, having turned 25 years old the beginning of January, I want to share from January 30th, 2020, when a pastor from Australia came and was ministering to my department of New Life Foundation, the NGO connected to New Life Fellowship. He met with each department and has the gift of prophecy. As God led him for me, he said this, “We thank You that there is just a bathing of the presence of God upon her life. We thank you that that anointing is deepening and You’ve taken her to the well. And there at the well, I thank You that she has put down the bucket. And that bucket is as in John 4; that bucket has gone deep into the Wellspring of Life, which is in Jesus. And she’s pulled up from the bucket just that refreshing water of Your Word, the water of Your Spirit, and just overflowing from Your throne room of grace into her life and refreshing and renewing her in this season. ‘For this will be a season of clarification for you,’ says the Lord, ‘this will be a season of just beginning to discover the purposes of God for your life.
For I will bring alongside you the right person to journey with in that and together you will be able to walk close with me with one another for my purposes,’ says the Lord, ‘and there will be a unity in the vision and there will be a complimentary aspect to the giftings and even to the personalities.’ That’s just so beautiful to see the way that God knows every detail in our lives and He’s so gentle to just reveal enough to us, to reassure us, to guide us into His purposes, to protect us, and give us His peace. For the peace of the Lord will rest upon you. So, John 14:27, ‘My peace I give to you, I don’t give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or be afraid. For I am with you,’ says the Lord, ‘I’ll never leave you nor forsake you. For I am with you.’ We thank you, Jesus, we thank You for Emmanuel, God with Brittani. In the precious name of Jesus; we love You, Lord.”
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Joining my old roommates wedding January 2020 |
I cried this day and said yes and amen to this. At some point during this beginning time of 2020, my prophetic sister mentioned for me to wait until March, that she believes I will meet him in March.
[The beginning for Brittani]:
To's profile picture at the time I saw his profile under "suggested friends." |
Going backwards a bit. One day in October 2019, back in Colorado, I was scrolling on Facebook checking on all my friends in Cambodia, when I hit the section that shows “Suggested Friends.” One person’s profile picture caught my attention: Ryvorto Dara. I quickly noticed that he had a lot of mutual friends most of which were my friends, friends that I actually hang out with, so I thought, “Who’s that? And how come I’ve never met him? I wonder if I will meet him when I go back?”
Fast forward to the middle of January 2020, back in Cambodia. It was January 19th, 2020 I was at church with one of my roommates (of which is a cool God story how I met her) and I was introducing her to some of my friends. Standing just outside the church entryway talking, I looked up and saw him, Ryvorto Dara. I thought, “Hey, that’s the guy I saw on Facebook…Hey, he’s tall!”
I didn’t want to go up and introduce myself or anything, but I thought if one of my friends ended up bringing me over or something like that then I’ll talk to him. Well that ended up happening and a bunch of us went out for dinner afterwards.
After that evening I thought, “Okay, Lord, I met him…I don’t know if that means anything, but interesting…”
Dinner the day we met. January 19th, 2020 |
Celebrating Chinese New Year January 2020 |
[Wait a minute…I thought he liked someone else]:
Just under two months went by when To started to chat me on telegram/messenger with what was clearly an interest. Maybe after a couple weeks or so of chatting I finally decided to ask him, “So I know you like my roommate, why are you talking to me like this?” I knew the whole story from her perspective and wanted to see what he would share. He truthfully shared the whole thing to me. In short, he took an interpreting of a dream he had from the Lord about his future wife from her and because she spoke of parts he hadn’t shared (of which God revealed to her to ask back), he thought it was about her and will tell you himself that he didn’t stop to pray about it and ask God. To shared how he quickly learned if you like someone by yourself, it can't go forward. He mentioned one thing while telling me this story that didn’t hit me until later, he said, “And I knew that you liked me.” At the end of his sharing he told me directly, “And I just want to tell you that I like you.” I told him I liked him too and we spent the next little over a month just getting to know each other more. To also shared that he remembers seeing me all the time in 2019 at church with the team that was with me before. I was so shocked by this because I had never seen him before at all. God definitely blinded my eyes from seeing him when I had the team with me and when my heart wasn't quite ready yet.
Hanging out with our friend, Naren. Stage of just getting to know each other. April 2020 |
[Confirmation Through Devotion Time]:

"Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"
-Amos 3:3 I later put some petals from the roses
when To proposed to me.
As we spent time just talking and getting to know each other, I did not want to pursue anything further than friendship with him, if he was not the one God had planned for me. It was in my personal devotion time in the Word, that God confirmed to me about To. I was reading in the book of Amos at the time; it was the day after To had shared that: "if you like someone by yourself, it can't go forward." That day I was reading chapter 3, when verse 3 jumped off the pages. "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?" (Amos 3:3) I was overwhelmed by what I had just read, but still took more time to pray over it. I was afraid that I was taking the Word of God and just using it to fit in my own emotions and desires. I quickly learned that I was actually putting God in a box in reality thinking, "how could God confirm to me so quickly about this man that I barely know (but really like)?" So I came to the conclusion that God really did use His Word to confirm to me, remembering all the times He has done that to me so personally in the past using His Word.
-Amos 3:3 I later put some petals from the roses
when To proposed to me.
[“Love So Much”]:
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Some of the "love so much" comments. Hehe. End of April or beginning of May 2020 |
[Our Relationship]:
A little over a month into dating June 2020 |
[God’s Further Sweet Confirmations]:
6 month dating anniversary date November 6th, 2020 |
Exploring 7NG for Water Festival Oct. 30, 2020 |
I cried this day in awe of the Lord and His love for me, His child, to confirm to me in this way and blessed by the love I was (and have been) receiving from this amazing man.
[Birthday, Dating Anniversary, & Engagement]:
Proposal. January 6th, 2021 |
[Thanks for Reading]:
I share this to you on May 6th, 2021, one year after we started dating, 4 months of engagement, and a little over 6 months until we get married. Yes, I share in faith that November 27th, 2021 is our planned wedding date in Cambodia. We trust and believe, Lord willing, God will work it all out from the paperwork, to the finances, to my family coming to Cambodia. Please join us in prayer for our wedding.
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