Thursday, January 21, 2016

Higher Than My Ways

Adventures in the streets of Antigua.
It’s has been about two and a half months since I have written. Normally that probably isn’t good, but in this case it is, because God has taught me a lesson in it. Once God showed me that obedience is greater than sacrifice, I was such on high from that hard but eye opening lesson, that I was expecting Him to show me something in the same capacity. But that’s not how God always chooses to speak, He was showing me to continue to walk out what He had just taught me and to stay faithful and obedient in reading His word. –What an important lesson that is too. And even when I felt dry or was afraid that God “wasn’t going to speak to me” (which is a lie, because He always speaks), He was faithful to show me something. God is good.

Well, now I am in Guatemala and have been for two weeks. Once I had truly let go of where God was going to have me and just be obedient to where I was at the time, I was told I was going to be going to Guatemala in January to be an R.A. And boy, do I see God’s hand on this situation; it has definitely been His leading. My first morning back in this beautiful place was a wonderful moment with the Lord as I sat in the same spot I did in July through early October of 2014. He was bringing to memory the growth that took place in my heart here because of Him. As we were at Kid’s Club yesterday, I felt like I was outside of myself just looking onto the situation in awe. I can’t really explain it, it was simply the Lord. I was flooded with wonder by all that the Lord has done and brought me to. I never would’ve thought I would be in Antigua, Guatemala again. Yet, here I am and it is so sweet to reconnect with those I grew to love and to meet and add many others to this big family the Lord has blessed me with.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” These verses mean so much to me in this season. As I reflect where I was after IGNITE and my mind being set on one way, I see that He has stripped me of that. I wanted to return to Cambodia in September of 2015, Montana definitely was not on my radar and Guatemala I didn’t really consider an option. Yet, He led me to Montana and has now brought me to Guatemala. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I still believe God is ultimately leading me to Cambodia, but I’m not holding onto it as I was before. I trust in God and that promise, but I am all here and I want to be all in every place He brings me to. His ways are truly higher than my ways and His thoughts than my thoughts. And even as I am here, helping lead IGNITE Class 10, I must remember these two verses as I plan or desire certain things to happen, because His way is going to happen here (and anywhere) no matter what. My expectations are in You, Lord; may everything I do come from You and be for Your glory.
My fellow girl R.A.s, Sara and Emily.
~ From IGNITE Classes 6, 7, & 8 ~

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