I drink out of this cup almost daily. May I remember to "Let it go" and to let God. |
As I sat in the garden this morning
with an overwhelmed heart and the wind blowing rather roughly, I just cried out
to God. Lord, I need You. I read in Jeremiah chapter 19 the beginning of verse
4, “Because they have forsaken Me and made this an alien
place, because they have burned incense in it to other gods…” I have an
idol in my life that I can’t seem to shake. I give it to God and pick it right
back up again or I give it to God and hold one piece back, I believe because of
fear. And that’s not trusting the Lord. It’s also hindering me from being the
Lord’s entirely. I’ve allowed something to hinder me from FULLY singing, “the
cross before me, the world behind me” or “you can have all this world, but give
me Jesus”…I am called to deny myself, pick up my cross, and follow Jesus (Matthew
16:24). Deny myself includes this world, my desires, my burdens, ALL of me.
As I
recall my time in training during IGNITE and read back on my blog from September
18th, 2014 on Philippians 3:11, dying-to-self daily, moment to
moment was the key thing. It still is and always will be. I’m learning it all
over again, just in a different way. Oh and did I mention the theme for this
week for the interns is contentment? God knows 100% what He’s doing and I
needed a wakeup call.
I also
read this today from Frances J. Roberts; Come
Away My Beloved…And Rest “O my Father, I would pour out my soul unto Thee.
I am unworthy of all Thy benefits and dull of hearing. Thy teachings I
treasure, and to be instructed of Thee is my desire, but I sit too seldom at Thy
feet, and my heart is too often occupied with other affairs. Thy Spirit oft
would settle as a dove upon my shoulder, but my activity affords Him no quiet
resting place. Inspiration Thou wouldst bring to me, but my thoughts are
preoccupied with the cares of this life. Deliver me from the snare of the
fowler…from any contrivance of circumstances that would seek to destroy the
ministry of the dove of peace in my heart. Give to me a quiet, meditative
spirit that will provide fertile soil for the propagation of Thy Truth. Let me
be open to an encounter with Thee at all times. Separate from me all that is
evil, and let me cling steadfastly to all that is good. Be my instructor; be my
guide, and withhold not Thy rod of correction when Thou discernest that I have
need of rebuke. My hope is in Thee, for I am unable to order my own steps
wisely, neither can I escape the pitfalls except Thy Spirit protect me and keep
me. I will trust in Thee. I will lean my entire weight upon Thee. I will reckon
on Thy mercy and depend upon Thy power.”
is exactly what is going on, I received rebuke, and may this (all that has been
said) be my prayer. “Holy fire burn away my desire for anything that is not of
You and is of me, I want more of You and less of me…” The quote from Elisabeth
Elliot is in my wardrobe, but I never read it…my application is to read it every
time I open my wardrobe, pray for total surrender, and walk out 1 Corinthians
15:58, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast,
immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is
not in vain in the Lord.”